Gathered from the successful series of Dime Novels, these action packed short stories set in the 1880’s American Southwest, featuring Red Barbre, represent the best of a genre that is finding renewed enthusiasm with readers worldwide.
Red Barbre first appeared as a minor antagonist in the inaugural issue of dimenovels™, Tales of the West. Since 2002 Red has become a mainstay in the series. He is typical of the men that rode the trails of the 1880’s American Southwest. He uses his intellect, his nerve and his skill with weapons to carve a life out of a harsh, lawless land. It is said that the true Cowboy rides for justice. Red indeed finds a place for his skills defending those who can’t defend for themselves but, it wasn’t always that way for him. Through these stories, set in real places, we see Red develop from a lone, opportunistic vagabond to a respected man with fast friends and a loving wife.
300 pages of your favorite adventures including the never before published: The Man from Durango.